Saturday, July 16, 2011

movie review: harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2

Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2..

Sikit pon tak menyesal tengok kat wayang..

Two thumbs up!!


Disebabkan komen paklah berbaur amarah, so aku elaborate sikit aku punye excitement in watching this movie. 

Opening scene, bese la, review sikit Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows part 1, dan misi harry potter, ron dan hermoine mencari hocrux pon bermule. Nak cter kang, spoiler lak bagi yang nak tengok movie ni.

Anyway, dalam siri harry potter, ni antara yang terbaik. Of course la, kalau ending cam tahi, mau kene baling popcorn. But seriously, score music, effect, cinematography, and storyline…superb!

Scene yang paling best; time Voldemort dan army die try nak pecahkan seal disekeliling Hogwarts… Nicely done..

As I mentioned above, sikit pon TAK nyesal tengok kat wayang movie ni..

It's a must watch movie for this year..

Two thumbs up lagi!!


paklah said...

tu je review?demit, wat penat je ak bukak!!

paklah said...

"As I mentioned above, sikit pon nyesal tengok kat wayang movie ni.." (azlan, 2011)..sikit pon nyesal? mcmne ni nk jd blogger ni.hahaha

Aieda Adnan said...

sori r bro, typo error..haha

putra87­™ said...

haha.. aku tgk premiere lg.. hehehe

Aieda Adnan said...

waduh2..tgk skali lg pon aku tak kesah..haha

iPai said...

baru tgk td .. serius best, walaupun banyak je yang ubah daripada idea asal buku ..

memang superb ..

cha apple said...

haha...bes2....tgk kat KL las wik.. :)